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XVIII. Fancy Inverted Pony!

16 Jan


So… Is this an amazing hairstyle?! Or is this an amazing hairstyle?! Yeah, I thought it was pretty amazing! I was just messing with my hair, and I came up with this! And it’s SO amazing, I’m going to teach you how to get the same look ! You’re welcome.

Okay, 1)Pull your hair back into a tight ponytail. Using a rat tail comb, smooth down flyaways. (If you want them to stay smoothed, use a 50:50 gel:water mixture and smooth your comb over the top of your hair with it.)

2)Take the pointy end of your rat tail comb and insert it through the center of the ponytail between your head and the ponytail holder (parallel to your nose). Work the rat tail comb back and forth, gently pulling backward on the ponytail.

3)Take the end of your ponytail and carefully flip it downward and up through the hole you have just made. Once the hair is completely through, pull ends of the ponytail to tighten it. Then you can push the rubberband-part slightly back through the hole where it came from, and secure with bobbies; or you can work in some spikes[!!!], as shown here:

Enjoy your look!!! Peace ❤

XVII. Speak Volumes

13 Jan

No, this blog entry is not about doing drugs, although with all the people who somehow think having a massive bump in your hair makes you attractive… well maybe I shouldn’t go into that.

Okay, IF the highly commercialized “Bumpits” style is something you go for, here is a how-to on giving yourself the same “Bumpits” volume, without going out and buying it.

Now, as a lady who is very conscious of what she looks like, I refuse to look like this. —>

BUT! There IS a way to get volume without looking like you belong in the 1950s. Below are some tips and tricks to get plenty of volume without buying gimmicky as-seen-on-tv products, and your look is NATURAL, so when people compliment you, you can proudly accept it without shame!

Important things to remember:

1)The side-bang is extremely important and can seriously add a VAST amount of volume to your beautiful mop. If you are anti-side-bang (hey, some people are), just give a side-bang a try! It’ll grow on you! Literally!

2)To make sure you get added volume, blow dry your hair upside down!

3)Don’t use gel! It’s heavy and weighs down the hair. Use air-puffed mousses and/or root lifting products. And don’t use too much.

4)Teasing is almost a MUST for volume. If you don’t know what teasing is or how to properly tease your hair, follow this guideline:  <> It is not necessary to tease your ENTIRE head of hair as I did in that photo… Actually, a few sections behind your hairline (from ear to ear across the top of your head) should be enough to give you the volume you crave.


5)Curls ALWAYS give a person more volume, but if you’re more into straight hair, you can slightly turn the straightening iron horizontally to get the hair to curl under SLIGHTLY. This adds volume. Don’t focus too much on the roots. If you leave the hotplate on the root for too long, it will smooth out the root area and leave the roots flat. Lastly, don’t straighten large chunks of hair; rather, small sections. If you straighten your hair in small sections, you will automatically have more volume because there will be more space between each section! ^_^

Well, I hope this has helped you solve your hair-dilemma! It solved mine! Now if only I could figure out how to solve my face-dilemma!

Peace ❤

XVI. Cut and Dyed

29 Dec




Okay, well first thing’s first: I re-highlighted my hair. It’s been a little over 3 months (This is the recommended wait you should take before dying your hair.  Of course, this is the first time I’ve ever followed that guideline, but whatever!) As you can see from the photos below, it was well-needed.

Alright.  In my very first post about FOUR months ago, I promised to write a how-to on CUTTING hair. And well, since I have naturally baby-soft hair that almost NEVER develops split ends [and grows at a snail’s pace], I don’t usually NEED to cut it after a traumatic dye-job. But since I like the feeling of fresh-cut hair -and since I always keep my promises (true story)-, I figured today would be the day.

Materials: You will need a hair apron (that poncho thing that hairstylists always put on you to make sure hair doesn’t get on your body… or you could just do it naked like I do! xD), Razor (I bought mine from Sally’s beauty supply shop for about $4), hair-cutting scissors, and a comb/brush (I use a rat-tail comb because I can separate sections of my hair to make sure each is the correct length), a steady hand, and courage.


First: Section off your hair, and pull sections into separate clips. I usually make a horizontal line from ear to ear, then clip off the top section, and make a completely straight cut on my longest layer to make it the length it needs to be. Then, pull down the top layer, and separate into several more sections, pulling down each section as you cut . This is how to get the layered look.


You can choose to use scissors or the razor for this, but if this is your first time cutting hair, you might want to use the razor because it will make it look a lot more even. WARNING: DO NOOOOOT APPLY TOO MUCH PRESSURE WITH THE RAZOR. IT IS EXTREMELY SHARP. Seriously. My first attempt using this kind of razor resulted in me chopping off 7 inches of my beautiful golden locks! Beware.

The key is to work using angles. It’s easier to do this by taking pieces of hair between your index and middle finger, and creating a “test-angle” that way. It ends up looking better if you can control where you’re cutting. (Just be careful if you are using the razor).

Always cut your bangs last to be able to get in those final-touches. I personally always layer my bangs, beginning with long layers at the bottom, and ending up with short layers on top. This allows me to work my bangs and exploit them for their volume-potential. 😉

Sooo… enjoy your new haircut! ^_^

❤ Peace


XV. Corn Rows!

6 Nov

Well, I FINALLY did it! Ever since I saw Million Dollar Baby, I’ve wanted to try out the corn-row look of the badass man-chick Hillary Swank fights.

BUUUUUUT… Well, since I’m not “ethnic,” out of prison, or a dude, I had to change it a bit to fit my look.

1)Separate the hair into sections. Start at the top, where a normal straight-part would be. Begin to reverse-French-braid.

2)Continue until you have gone from ear-to-ear. Use sculpting wax to give the hair texture and make it easier to braid. This also helps to keep it held-together like glue. 😉

3)Once finished, use a 50/50 gel:water mixture and pat the top of the hair to make sure it stays in place. I also chose to pull each of the braids into a pony.

***I would highly suggest a little makeup and jewelry if you wish to keep it feminine-looking***


Peace ❤

XIV. How to Fake a New Haircut

18 Oct

Well, I was debating over orgasm-jokes for this how-to on “faking it,” but unfortunately, I’m too tired to be creative today. Anyway, if you’re looking for a change of style and you’re tired of the same you day-in and day-out, I would suggest a fake haircut! ^_^

This hairstyle only works with Asian mullets and drastic layers. Yesterday, after I dyed my hair, I razored the shit out of my hair because after heavy bleaching, I knew I was bound to have some major split ends. Anyway, so now I have extremely drastic layering, so this style fits me perfectly.

1)Using your thumbs, gently trace a halo into your hairline starting at the ears, working horizontally until your thumbs touch.

2)Pull top layer up into a clip, and begin braiding the bottom layer.

3)Form bottom layer into a flat bun against your head. Secure with bobbies or mini-clips.

4)Pull the top layer down and trim any hairs that are out of place or too long.

5)You can choose to either leave it straight or curl it. I prefer curling it because curling a)makes it even shorter, so it’s all-the-more drastic, and b)hides the braided bottom layer MUCH better.

Finished result:

Have fun receiving new-haircut compliments all day! xD

XIII. How to Bleach Highlight Your Hair

17 Oct

I woke up this morning with one thought: IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! And yes, I was thinking of the American governmental institution’s desperate need for political reform, but then I reconsidered and thought that a change in hair color would suffice my need for radicalism for today. =]

So yeah. I’m going from honey to platinum today.

Materials: Gloves, Porcelain bowl, Hair painting brush, Hairbrush, Cap, Bleach (I use 2 packets of Prism… Violet AND blue), and Developing creme (You’re only supposed to use 20 proof, but I used 30 today because I am curious to see what happens! xDDD)

1)Place cap on the head, making sure to pull all the hair into the cap. Using a cap is extremely painful if you have long hair, but I personally think it’s a little easier if you’re doing it yourself, and it also allows the dye to cover the hair a lot more evenly.

2)Pull hair through the cap. The technique in doing this is to find the tip of the hook, poke it through the cap, and in a circular motion, pull hair around, up, and out through the hole. Repeat until you look like you have a bad wig on. If you want extremely defined, chunky highlights, only pull through a few sections. DO NOT pull hair from each hole unless you want to dye your whole head.

3)Mix the developing creme with the bleach so that it’s the consistency of cake-batter. (I personally like to thin it out with developing creme because the bleach can be pricey, and this seems to work pretty well) Note: Bleach comes in 3 generic hues: Violet, Blue, and Neutral. Violet cancels out the yellow in your hair. Blue cancels out oranges. Neutral is just neutral. Choose wisely. I usually use Violet AND Blue, and although it is not advised, I mix the two, that way I’m covering all my bases.

4)Wait, Wait, Wait. You can check the development of the color by scraping some of the bleach off of a strand. My hair only took about 15 minutes because I used the high volume creme developer, and because I started out blond. It may take awhile, depending on certain factors such as these; however, if you want to speed up the process, cover your hair (NOT your nose or mouth) with plastic wrap and blow-dry it on the high heat setting. Heat brings out the color, but remember to make sure you’re not actually drying it out because those caps are a bitch to take off! x(

5)Rinse it all out. Use shampoo/conditioner as usual. Style as usual. Note: You might want to give your hair a rest for a few days before any straightening, but if you’re like me and you can’t help but cause devastation to your mop, at least use rehydrating cremes and heat-protector sprays.

And now I’m a towhead!!!

Have fun dying! ^_^

XII. Hair tips for the petite.

14 Oct

Okay, so as you might have noticed, I typically favor side bangs over straight bangs. The reason for this is that proportionally speaking, my head is WAY too small for my body! xD If you also have a tiny head, here are some tips to even out your appearance:

I. – Side Part. A side part make the face appear rounder, whereas a straight part makes the face appear longer.

II. – Side Bangs. Same reason as A, but if you pull hair over from one side and back past your normal bang-line, this adds volume and definition to the bang, making it a large, bold, animated feature which actually increases space between the contours of your hair; This is what makes your head appear larger, and your body appear smaller.

III. – Layers. Layers create a greater potential for volume (especially when blow-dried upside-down. This makes your hair appear fuller. Thus, your head appears larger.  Caution: DO NOT cut too much off and end up with a mullet. Unless it’s an “asian mullet” (which is a contemporary version of the traditional mullet), it is probably atrocious.

IV.  – Curls. For me, this is the ultimate life-saving hair tip. Since I have extra fine hair, layers + curls increases my volume, adding bounce and an overall “adorable-factor.” Caution: Curls can either make you look younger or older. Generally, the tighter the curls, the younger you look, but if you’re 40+, do not get a perm unless you want to look VASTLY older than you are.

V. – Color. Coloring is extremely important. I am extremely tall, so when I went from blond to brunette, a lot of folks stopped me to say that the dark brown hair looked better because it “brought me to earth.” Although I prefer to think that blond makes me ascend to the divine. xD Anyway, choose your color wisely.


Okay, I feel I should briefly touch on hair coloring. Should you choose to color your hair, choose a color that matches:

—A)your complexion. I don’t care what people say, women with tans do NOT look good as redheads. Similarly, blonds do not look all that great with ghostly-pale skin, and it’s easy to look “washed out” in this case.

—B)your personality. Are you a bubbly blond? a crazy redhead? or a mysterious brunette? Since your hairstyle is probably the first thing a person is going to see when they look at you, you need to ask yourself if the color you are sporting says anything at all about the person underneath.

—C)your age. Don’t let your 13 year old dye her hair. That’s ridiculous. If you’re 20 years old, don’t dye it grey unless you’re a runway model. If you’re going on 60, don’t go bleach-blond.

Well, I hope these tips helped!

Stay fabulous! ❤

XI. The Whole She-Bang

14 Oct

Well, a lot of people have asked me “Sandy, how do you have such awesome bangs?!” -Well actually no one has asked me that, but since I take pity on those too meek to ask me it, here you go! ^_^ (By the way, that was a joke; I’m not really that self-centered).

Okay!!! I am about to reveal to you the biggest hair-secret you will ever be told in your life. YOU CAN HAVE BOTH. I cut my bangs in a very unique way, and I am going to pass on my wisdom. I consider this my gift to the world.

1)Find your “bang line.” If, in general, you want to have side bangs that extend pretty far back or to the side, I would recommend a triangle bang. This is a fancy type of part where you locate the place on your hairline that is directly above your pupil. Using a rat-tail comb, create one single part all the way back to your neck.

2)Find the spot at about the middle of your ear, and part the hair behind it back, and in front of it, forward.

***3)Optional: I personally like to go a step further and find the center of my part just above my nose. Then, about halfway between this point and the first part you created, pull a small piece of hair from this point, and comb it toward the side which has less hair. In my opinion, this frames the face a LOT better.

THE CUT: If you want to cut your hair so that you have both side bangs and straight bangs, you’ll first want to take the hair you just sectioned off, and separate it into two pieces (thick top section and thin bottom section). Clip or bobby pin the top part back, but do not let it mix in with your other hair. You’ll want to cut this at an angle, starting from your eye to just below your ear, or if your hair isn’t that long, compromise! You’re the artist; Create!!! Okay, once you’re finished with that, pull the thicker section down and section this off again. Cut into a new layer, but decrease the degree of the angle so the the hair is slightly closer to 180 degrees, but not entirely there. Pull the top layer down and cut this into a straight bang. Make sure that in doing this, you have layered your bangs evenly, and you do not have random bang-chunks hanging around. xD

Okay, if you want to maintain a decent side-bang, leave it as is, but if you want to create a straight bang, use the “curling method” with your straightener to get the hair to curl downward toward your eyes. Spray with a little hairspray, and you’re gorgeous! You might want to trim up the side bang JUST A LITTLE, but if done correctly, it is possible to have both straight bangs and side bangs with the same haircut. Good luck! ^__^

X. Don’t Tease Me, Bro

12 Oct


So I’m sure that if you’ve spent any amount of time in cosmotology school, you’ve read books on the how-to’s of hair styling, or you’ve become a fan of my lovely blog, you’ve been told to “tease it.” Well, this isn’t just a kinky sex-act; it’s the vital foundation for creating a completely amazing hairstyle. I, for one, have very fine hair; this being said, it must be “teased” almost every time I decide on a style, whether that be a simple ponytail, or massive spikes!

Product list: Hairspray, Hair spiker, Gel, Root-lifting spray, Fine-toothed comb, styling wax (.

1)After washing the hair, apply gel liberally to the shaft & ends of the hair (not the roots. That’ll make it look gross). Apply root-lifting spray (I prefer the spray to other root lifters because it doesn’t make your hair as heavy feeling).

2)Blowdry the hair upside-own so that it gets über-voluminous!

3)Pull out sections of hair, spray with spiker/spray, and begin combing the hair from tip to root. This essentially tangles the hair until it’s thick and honeycomb-like. Continue until all the hair is mussed n’ fussed, twisted and tousled.

4)Now, you should look like a lion. If you don’t, go back and lion-it-up!

5)Use a thick-toothed brush or comb to gently comb out the tangles until your hair is smooth, but still voluminous. Some folks prefer to leave the underside teased so that the volume stays in tact. Should this be the case, make sure that the top layer is thick and/or even enough to keep the bottom layer from showing.

6)Now, you’re free to style as you please, and don’t forget this technique when you’re learning how to do various styles!

Good Luck! ^_^

IX. Sexy Buns!

11 Oct

Well, I haven’t posted a whole heck of a lot lately, but about 2 weeks ago, I cut my hair again! “Asian mullets”  are great if you want to be able to be versatile and creative with your do, but I’ve discovered that this hairdo does not fit my busy lifestyle. Thus, I have chopped off all my long layers to sport a simple layered shag. ^_^

Anywho, today I was looking through a book on children’s hairstyles, and I thought “That is a freaking adorable style!” Sooooo… Here you go.

1)Separate the hair into two sections with a straight vertical part. Leave bangs if desired. Tie off each section with a ponytail holder.

2)Spray the ponytails with water to keep the flyaways tamed. Twist each ponytail until it begins to curl upward, then loop it through the natural ring that forms. (Essentially, you’re tying a knot). My hair was not long enough for this, so I left the ends sticking out by my neck, but if your hair is long enough, wrap the ends around the base of the knot, pinning the hair to the scalp with bobby pins.

3)Spray with hairspray aaaaand… voila! You’re adorable! ^_^

Peace. ❤