Archive | October, 2011


12 Oct

Hello my fellow hair-junkies! 🙂
I just wanted to update you all with a super special secret surprise! I’M GROWING MY HAIR OUT!!! Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Well, for starters, I have NEVER been able to grow my hair out because I’m constantly fussing with my hair, either cutting it or dying it every month. It’s a compulsion; a habit; an addiction! Secondly, because of all this damage I’ve inflicted on my hair, I’m trying to “nurse it back to health” so to speak. This means that I’m no longer doing ANYTHING to damage my hair (save a blowdryer and the occasional straightening of my cow-licked bangs -which have already grown past my lips!) As soon as my hair reaches the desirable length, I’ll be posting various blogs featuring different haircuts (I will cut a little off at a time and showcase these styles myself about once every few weeks). All of this, of course, leading up to the PIXIE CUT!!!!!!!! *cue dramatic music now* So stay tuned!!! Stay fabulous! ❤ Peace.