Tag Archives: towhead

XIII. How to Bleach Highlight Your Hair

17 Oct

I woke up this morning with one thought: IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! And yes, I was thinking of the American governmental institution’s desperate need for political reform, but then I reconsidered and thought that a change in hair color would suffice my need for radicalism for today. =]

So yeah. I’m going from honey to platinum today.

Materials: Gloves, Porcelain bowl, Hair painting brush, Hairbrush, Cap, Bleach (I use 2 packets of Prism… Violet AND blue), and Developing creme (You’re only supposed to use 20 proof, but I used 30 today because I am curious to see what happens! xDDD)

1)Place cap on the head, making sure to pull all the hair into the cap. Using a cap is extremely painful if you have long hair, but I personally think it’s a little easier if you’re doing it yourself, and it also allows the dye to cover the hair a lot more evenly.

2)Pull hair through the cap. The technique in doing this is to find the tip of the hook, poke it through the cap, and in a circular motion, pull hair around, up, and out through the hole. Repeat until you look like you have a bad wig on. If you want extremely defined, chunky highlights, only pull through a few sections. DO NOT pull hair from each hole unless you want to dye your whole head.

3)Mix the developing creme with the bleach so that it’s the consistency of cake-batter. (I personally like to thin it out with developing creme because the bleach can be pricey, and this seems to work pretty well) Note: Bleach comes in 3 generic hues: Violet, Blue, and Neutral. Violet cancels out the yellow in your hair. Blue cancels out oranges. Neutral is just neutral. Choose wisely. I usually use Violet AND Blue, and although it is not advised, I mix the two, that way I’m covering all my bases.

4)Wait, Wait, Wait. You can check the development of the color by scraping some of the bleach off of a strand. My hair only took about 15 minutes because I used the high volume creme developer, and because I started out blond. It may take awhile, depending on certain factors such as these; however, if you want to speed up the process, cover your hair (NOT your nose or mouth) with plastic wrap and blow-dry it on the high heat setting. Heat brings out the color, but remember to make sure you’re not actually drying it out because those caps are a bitch to take off! x(

5)Rinse it all out. Use shampoo/conditioner as usual. Style as usual. Note: You might want to give your hair a rest for a few days before any straightening, but if you’re like me and you can’t help but cause devastation to your mop, at least use rehydrating cremes and heat-protector sprays.

And now I’m a towhead!!!

Have fun dying! ^_^