XVIII. Fancy Inverted Pony!

16 Jan


So… Is this an amazing hairstyle?! Or is this an amazing hairstyle?! Yeah, I thought it was pretty amazing! I was just messing with my hair, and I came up with this! And it’s SO amazing, I’m going to teach you how to get the same look ! You’re welcome.

Okay, 1)Pull your hair back into a tight ponytail. Using a rat tail comb, smooth down flyaways. (If you want them to stay smoothed, use a 50:50 gel:water mixture and smooth your comb over the top of your hair with it.)

2)Take the pointy end of your rat tail comb and insert it through the center of the ponytail between your head and the ponytail holder (parallel to your nose). Work the rat tail comb back and forth, gently pulling backward on the ponytail.

3)Take the end of your ponytail and carefully flip it downward and up through the hole you have just made. Once the hair is completely through, pull ends of the ponytail to tighten it. Then you can push the rubberband-part slightly back through the hole where it came from, and secure with bobbies; or you can work in some spikes[!!!], as shown here:


Enjoy your look!!! Peace ❤

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