Archive | November, 2010

XV. Corn Rows!

6 Nov

Well, I FINALLY did it! Ever since I saw Million Dollar Baby, I’ve wanted to try out the corn-row look of the badass man-chick Hillary Swank fights.

BUUUUUUT… Well, since I’m not “ethnic,” out of prison, or a dude, I had to change it a bit to fit my look.

1)Separate the hair into sections. Start at the top, where a normal straight-part would be. Begin to reverse-French-braid.

2)Continue until you have gone from ear-to-ear. Use sculpting wax to give the hair texture and make it easier to braid. This also helps to keep it held-together like glue. 😉

3)Once finished, use a 50/50 gel:water mixture and pat the top of the hair to make sure it stays in place. I also chose to pull each of the braids into a pony.

***I would highly suggest a little makeup and jewelry if you wish to keep it feminine-looking***


Peace ❤