Tag Archives: damaged

All Natural Hair Oil Recipe for Softer Hair

1 Oct

How do you usually style your hair? As you can tell by my blog, I am always experimenting with new looks; but all the heat and chemicals really take its toll on a girl’s locks. A few nights ago, I decided to take a night of rest from chemicals and hotplates, and I went the healthy route. I mixed together some vitamin E oil, argan oil, and extra virgin olive oil, and used the final combination to work into the ends of my hair. I went to sleep with my hair still wet, but the resulting style the next morning was a perfect, wavy, healthy, natural, beautiful hairstyle that has stolen my own heart!

I suppose the outcome really depends on what your hair type is (mine is extra fine and naturally wavy) but otherwise, this combination of oils really made my hair much softer than before. Aside from that, hair oils are extremely helpful for using straightening irons and curling irons because the oil protects hair from heat damage. Vitamin E is extremely good for the hair and skin. When rubbed into the scalp, it increases capillary growth and stimulates hair growth and preventing hair loss.

So here’s my recipe:
5 drops argan oil
2 drops vitamin E
3 drops olive oil

The recipe is for personal use and is simply my own home remedy to soften and treat damaged hair (can also be mixed with glycerine and heated for a hot oil treatment, which would ultimately be more beneficial to the hair). I will be freely posting some of my hair care “recipes” online so that you can try them yourselves! 🙂 I am considering purchasing other fancy hair oils and creating my own product line of these types of treatments, but for now I’d like to experiment a little more. If you’re interested in purchasing some products from me, let me know! I can even customize orders depending on your hair type and personal goals (hair growth formulas, volumizers, dry shampoos, etc), so if this interests you, shoot me a message! Take care! Peace ❤

Scoring Some Product

13 Sep

Awhile back, I bleached, blow dried, and straightened my hair until the strands each closely resembled a dead tree in winter… In case that visual wasn’t clear enough, I’ll just explain that my hair was 110% FRIED. Since I treat my hair like a living, breathing organism (that burrows into my skull and tells me what to do!!!) I decided that after so much trauma, it needed a little TLC. Now, I’m not really big on spending money, but for my hair I always make an exception, so I went to Sally’s Beauty Supply Company and purchased some Last Call Hair Masque and something new called Argan Oil.

First, I will say that Beyond the Zone’s Last Call Hair Masque ($0.99 at Sally’s) is a MUST when considering your poor hair’s aftercare. I would absolutely give it 2 thumbs up. Seriously, as much as I love my hair, this product makes me want to damage it more often so I can use it more frequently! xD (Not really, but still…)

Second… Argan Oil. Yes that was a sentence. This product is so incredible, you should -and pay attention, because this is my best advice ever- go to the store right this second and buy some. @_@ Seriously. Okay, so maybe I’ve gotten ahead of myself here… What is argan oil, you ask? It’s oil derived from argan trees in Morocco. Basically, these trees are dead and lifeless and ugly and serve no purpose… BUT. They survive. They survive in the most extreme desert heat and drought… The oil these trees produce makes a good hair care product because it does the same for your hair! And if you bleach, dye, or heat-treat your hair as often as I do, this really is the perfect preventative step to healthy hair. It’s a little on the expensive side ($10 for a 2 oz. bottle of oil), but you don’t need to use any more than a few drops, and the results are totally worth it. It also smells nice and makes your hair feel 10x softer.

Another plus to buying this product is that it makes use of an otherwise unusable resource, makes money for the poor country of Morocco, and it is environmentally friendly because its profitability has encouraged more protective measures for these trees (i.e., less people are destroying/burning down these trees).

Anyway, that’s all I have for y’all today! I still haven’t tried the Argan Oil Styling Creams or Shampoos yet, but I’ll keep you posted! Please feel free to leave any comments if you’ve tried this product or know of any other products that simply blow your mind! 🙂 Until next time, have a happy hair day!